Saturday, 30 January 2010



make time to read this.


Sunday, 24 January 2010

butterfly flutterby.

better go.
this time isn't mine...

but i need to know why i have that internal reaction for that certain situation.
it bugs me.

Lord... what are you saying?!


i had the revelation about what used to be wrong. it was cause i gave you access to a part of my heart that wasn't yours to go to.

All I know is I find rest in You.

time time time time no time.


It's funny when you pray for something... and then resist the answer.

Why must I keep losing headphones?

i need to write a song.

i need to do my homework.

i need you to stop forces your preconceived ideas of who you think i am onto me.
you don't really realise that the spoken... and unspoken... has an affect on your world.

my heart breaks that your mending heart has been broken. again.
I wish i could fix it. I can't even let you know that I know.
Just remember to face the Son.
It helps you to grow. and keep warm.

butterfly flutterby.

when all around has faded... what remains?

when it's hard to breathe. I praise You.
when i get high from breathing. I praise You.
I choose You.
Always You.
Only You.


"um.... I don't really know you, but can I have a hug?!"

ok. i better go.
cleaning and guitar lessons.

after those 2 hours... i need to get get focused. and energized. and ready.

I was born ready.

Thursday, 21 January 2010

deep to deep.

maybe i'll get my car back next week.

you are so funny... when you talk about what you think you know.

need to get my guitar from church. tomorrow. I need it on saturday.




authentic japenese dinner.

cultural experience.

funny that the same thing i yearn is the same thing i keep my distance from.


the first outbreak of swine flu was 1971.
they're using the same vaccine - tamiflu.

i just miss my work hoody. how did it disappear? in church?

work tomorrow.
long journey.

know the myths.


the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly.

if you were a tap that was dripping. and i just handed you a mop... it wouldn't be half as helpful as fixing the tap...

pianos and art galleries.

you're not a doctor. why are you trying to diagnose?!

I am TOO excited for India.

How do you work that hard? When you're ill? What on earth? You're amazing.
You put me to shame and I wasn't even sick!


um. call me?

I need more hours on a wednesday to be in existence.

bed. please.

dear brain.
you have my full permission to switch off now and GO TO SLEEP!
love Tash.

You are more than enough. Your grace astounds me. Your mercy amazes me.
You are the very essence of truth... and that freedom is all I need.
I give you all my distractions.
Lord... clothe my mind with the helmet of salvation... I crave a renewal of my mind... I know that the protection that You give to my mind and heart is all I can rely on...
Increase my capacity to love the "unlovables."
Increase my capability to show grace to those who don't deserve it.
Increase wisdom within me.
Give me clarity of heart.
Teach me to sail in the ark of grace.
Lead me beside still waters.
Thankyou that You are my provider.
Thankyou that You are faithful to see your word through to completion.
Thankyou that You never leave me hanging... You got my back!
I love You... More than life itself.
I need You... More than life itself.
Flood me. Fill me. Saturate me.
Use me.
for Your glory.
Make the deepest part of me pleasing to the deepest part of You.

Thursday, 7 January 2010

just a little post.

Going over old memories with a fine-tooth comb.
Deciding which ones take up too much space.
Which can be deleted.
Making more memory space.
but oh yeah. Remember that time?

I feel so blessed.
And on the edge of something good.


When I get married I won't be "Tasha McCoy" anymore.
They'll have to find a new nickname for me.

broken headphones.

39 days to go.


I remember 10.

Snow day. LOL!
what a joke. This country.
cracks me up.

I miss Malaysia.

Skype date with cousin on saturday morning.
Very exciting.

Might go to the art gallery to play piano today before work.
I wonder if he's snowed closed.

It's amazing how we're called to a greater maturity. Yet. A greater childlikeness.

I'll be in india when baby is born.
I only had that revelation yesterday.
sad times.
I'll miss the newborn start.

The presence of the Lord is so beautiful.
It never changes. But. It changes everything.

Well. Robbin's back. I'll give him his Mac back now.

Peace out.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

revolution in a blog.

arrrrggghhhh... new blog!

This won't be a long one
cause im TIRED
school starts back tomorrow.


my computer's keyboard broken.
no updates.

I'm using Robbin's mac.
I want a mac!!!

I need
umm.. this keyboard doesn't have a pound sign...
I need
in 4 weeks.
praise the Lord!

God is SO good.

I have a photoshoot in a couple of weeks...
with other female christian singers from U.K
there will be interviews too.
It's going on tv.

I don't know what to wear.


it's so cold!

I still need that package to arrive =P


tidy room.

I've discovered how much i love and crave and work best in a routine.
so funny.

also the importance of a maturity. walking hand in hand with a childlike faith.



