Tuesday, 8 September 2009

the appointed time

"I'll save it for the appointed time..."
and boy was there an appointed time!
and so thankyou for your wise and timely words...
i don't know if you'll ever know... i don't know if I'LL ever know... the full impact of what just happened last night...
God is good =)
i love when he sends friends... real friends... and you can just tell that it's for a bigger reason than just being friends.
this is it.
this is part of me taking steps towards freedom...
this is me cutting off some things that i didn't even fully realise (or want to realise) were holding me back...
God is all that matters...
and if it takes me cutting off things, cutting OUT things...
then that's just how it's got to be.
New blog.
New season.
New Tash.



  1. Yay for new seasons, it's gonna be awesome!

  2. Bing! Bang! Boom! I love you missy and I'm so hopeful for this new season in your life (:
