Monday, 5 April 2010

The Friendship Breakthrough.

This last week has been so up and down.
I've been sick for the best part of 6 weeks... and this week i just got to the point of "I'm tired... I"m done with this!"
In the time of my physical weakness and pain... I let myself get a weakened spirit too...
Bad news. Cause when Im in that state it's so easy for me to battle with insecurities and fears... and i overanalyse...
but God is so good.
This week I had such a breakthrough.
I've had a couple of conversations with friends... about relationships. and friendships. and love languages. (Physical touch, gifts, quality time, acts of service and words of affirmation)
It got me thinking about the way i receive love best.... I was asked my five love languages in order of preference.. I gave two different answers during the course of the night... but im still unsure on a final list.

I'm the kind of girl who likes cuddles.. and my hair being played with... and i like when you remember something specific that i said... or like...
I like it when you notice random things that I do - quirky little things that maybe i don't even notice about myself.
I like it when you're friends with me in front of your other friends (bad experiences of some people being my friend UNTIL we were with their friends...)
I like it when your face lights up as soon as you see me? yeah.
I like it when you let me freak out and/or share my heart... without telling me I'm stupid... or staying silent... or changing the subject...
I like it when you listen to my random stories the whole way through. even if there's no point to it. and let's face it... there probably isn't!
I like it when you let me into your heart too... beyond surface friendship.
I like when you stick up for me.
I like it when we can talk for hours.
I like it when we can sit in a non-awkward silence.
I like it when we wrestle.
See... I get to certain points in relationships of any kind... and I fuh-reak out!
for real.
But i like when you know me... and work through stuff with me.
I like when we have crazy random adventures.
I like that we actually... DO things. and not just talk about what would be a good idea to maybe possibly do at somepoint in our lives.
I like when we don't just HAVE memories (although i LOVE that!) but we MAKE memories that are worth remembering.
I like it when you let me do random things for you...
I like it when you don't let me do random things for you too.
I like it when you hear what I say... and then understand what I actually mean.
I like random texts.
I like messages on my facebook wall.
I like to know you.
I like to compromise with random music likes and dislikes.
I like it when you tell me what I need to hear. but you know what I sometimes want to hear... and tell me that instead... =p
I like it when you know when I need to be held... and when I need space.
I like it when you ask me challenging questions.
I like it when you correct me... not out of anger... or frustration... but out of love.

I like a lot of things. and I like discovering this randomness that I like.
I like to know what you like too.
tell me sometime.

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